It’s that time of year when the debate over “Happy Holidays” versus “Merry Christmas” heats up. But fear not, because there are retailers who are standing up for the true meaning of Christmas and saying “Merry Christmas” loud and proud!
The American Family Association (AFA) has recognized several stores that refuse to give in to the pressure of political correctness and continue to celebrate Christmas wholeheartedly. These stores deserve our support for promoting the true spirit of Christmas!
Let’s show our appreciation to these Christmas Champions:
1. Hobby Lobby
Known for their Christian values, Hobby Lobby goes above and beyond to keep Christ in Christmas. From playing Christian music to closing on Sundays, they truly embody the Christmas spirit.
2. Belk
Joining Hobby Lobby, Belk is another top-rated store that spreads Christmas cheer without using the generic “Happy Holidays” phrase.
3. Nordstrom
Nordstrom is a high-end department store that not only celebrates Christmas but also respects the Thanksgiving holiday. They wait until after Thanksgiving to adorn their stores with Christmas decorations, ensuring their employees get to enjoy the festivities too.
4. Home Depot
Home Depot regularly uses the term “Christmas,” making them a Christmas-friendly store according to the AFA.

5. Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart has earned the AFA’s prestigious “5-Star” rating for their exceptional promotion and celebration of Christmas. Let’s appreciate this American retail giant for doing it right!
6. Macy’s
Macy’s is famous for hosting the largest Christmas parade, but their Christmas spirit doesn’t end there. They frequently use the word “Christmas” and showcase a captivating “Believe” theme in their New York City storefront.
7. JCPenney
Despite past controversies, JCPenney ensures that Christmas remains a prominent theme in their stores and online shopping experience. They have received a “Nice” score from the AFA.
8. Bass Pro Shops
Bass Pro Shops not only promotes Christmas but also has a strong association with Duck Dynasty. Their inclusion in the AFA’s list is sure to excite fans.
9. Lowe’s
10. Toys ‘R Us
Surprisingly, Toys ‘R Us showcases the word “Christmas” almost as much as Hobby Lobby. They even have a sought-after “Christmas Catalog” filled with children’s dream toys.
No matter where you shop this holiday season, let’s unite and proudly say “Merry Christmas.” If store clerks try to use “Happy Holidays,” kindly correct them. We refuse to let anyone silence our voices and dampen the joy of Christmas wherever we go!
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